Monday, May 9, 2011

Haven't written since October?

Not a big deal. Not. A big. Deal.

Apparently everyone hates 'updates' whether they be on YouTube or.....well, YouTube. I am not well versed in blogspot culture. Are updates annoying and unnecessary? Isn't this a place for these types of things? Gosh. I'm doing an update anyway.

It's what...May? June. Right. June 2nd. Or so my iCal tells me.
So, it has been a good 8 months since I wrote in this thing and.....I mean, some things have changed. I shall outline them for you. See, nice and organized.
- Earned the power of contacts in....November? Or maybe December?
- Began my final spring semester at this school with a fresh attitude, a new hair color, and a bubbling sense of finality.
- Was quickly deflated and went back to my usual unmotivated self. Hair stayed the same though. It's brunette now. I was blonde for a while. Unimportant details, unimportant details.
- The Great Snow Storm of 2011 happened and a tree brought down our power line, rendering us powerless for a good 2 weeks. Hotel adventures ensued.
- The Great Snow Storm of 2011 part II happened and another tree caved in our roof while we were in it. My mother, my sister, and I were sitting on the couch when half of the living room ceiling hit us in the face. Literally.
- Currently living in a hotel in the city. It's conveniently located and I can walk to a KFC from the hotel, but I miss our house. Fortunately, it will be fixed by the end of this month.
- Did I mention I was accepted into Chatham University? Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania? One of my top choices? I am amazed that someone out there believes me to be qualified for such an institution? Yeah. That happened. That moment where I read 'You have been accepted....' has been filed into my Really Awesome Things That Sometimes Happen To Me filing cabinet.
- Nothing else has really happened but I was like, I like dashes. They are cool and indicate something will be written after them. Organization! Also they're way cooler than bullet points.

I spent a majority of my day in the most beige ER today. No worries, it was just for my sister who thought she had appendicitis but it ended up being a cyst. The Evil Administrative People at the front desk (why are the front desk people always so evil?) greeted us with a complicated form and a 'get the fuck out of my sight' smile as they forced us to sit in the mostly empty ER for an hour and a half. People came and went, and there we sat. With the news on a little TV on the wall opposite us blaring the ever shit state of the world at our faces. The real test was when the entertainment segment came on after the news. That was.....that was tough.

They eventually sent us home and I spent the rest of my cold, summer evening watching the rest of Doctor Who season 5. That show is so damn good. I suspect it will act as a vortex, sucking in the entirety of my summer. It will be August soon and I will be leaving for Pennsylvania with a blank stare while I repeat 'WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'T BLINK' as my parents rip up my plane ticket and instead admit me to the nearest hospital.

Bowties are cool.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A picture for you.

Hello my dears.
I have no wild stories about encounters with optometrists or elitist secretaries employed at my educational institution or....anything else really.

But here, take the picture to the right (Not literally of course. It's licensed. Do I intimidate you with my copyright from Flickr?) as a way for me to show one part of a beautiful, small town in California called Half Moon Bay. If you have a car, you must drive yourself over there. Abandon your life for a few days and head east or west or north or south or whichever direction. It is one of the things about California I'm going to miss. For those who still believe California is one big cliche for warm beaches and endless seas of blonde hair and below 100 IQs, I urge you to visit this beautiful place.

I mean, I can't speak for the intelligence of our residents, so that was a bit irrelevant. I can admit when I'm wrong.
I am also imparting a song for you.
Enjoy the rest of your day.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Hello my invisible readers.
Just for reference, I have entered into this post with little to no idea of what I am going to write. But hey, who likes well-structed, well-thought out blogs? I sure don't. I prefer to read a blog that is something out of the inner workings of a psychopath with severe ADHD. And that is what you're going to get today.

So, to describe my current situation.
I'm plugged into my iPod, listening to the beautiful voice of Tom Milsom sing about letters and verdigris, leaning back in our ancient computer chair even though I shouldn't be, warily eyeing a job application for a nearby theater, browsing through the Tumblr theme garden (we're not going to talk about the amount of jokes/puns I just came up with for that), silently willing our pantry to produce a bountiful supply of actual food so I don't have to go buy some, and contemplating how long it will take me to actually finish this post. Between the time I said hello and now.....well, let's just say it is now approaching an hour. I am easily distracted, okay.

Abandon all hopes of this next paragraph being exciting.

I had The Appointment with The Optometrist today. And by The Appointment, I mean it was the appointment that was to determine if I can finally wear contacts again (silly me, I contracted some vague eye infection a few months back and so I cannot wear contacts until it's gone). And by The Optometrist I mean that one place in that one building that honestly scares me. I have terrible eyesight, so whenever I go to the optometrist it's because there is something seriously wrong with them. Hence, my fear. Also, I've seen my fair share of horror movies wherein the unsuspecting patient inadvertently walks into the death trap/pleasant looking hospital. What's that? You want to take a picture of my eye? Go right ahead. Is it alright if you use a scalpel to do so? Seems a bit unnecessary, but I trust you.

So the appointment took about 5 minutes, which makes it seem like it went okay. Do not let the small time frame fool you, oh no. After determining for the thousandth time that I do not in fact have that eye disease that merits the air-puff test (They puff air into your eyes. They tell you not to blink. You blink because they are shooting air bullets into your eyes. Repeat.), my optometrist proceeded to flip up my eyelid and look to see signs of That Really Annoying Eye Infection. Yup, I still have it. Yup, I've got at least another month to go until I can wear my precious contacts. Don't get me wrong, I like my glasses. People say I pull it off. The snobs that work in my college's administrative building take me seriously. But they get annoying. Reason #327467 I'm looking forward to wearing contacts again: I can't wait to walk into that damn administrative building and study the faces of the people who sit behind those counters as I politely ask a college-related question. What? You want us to answer your questions? HOW RIDICULOUS OF YOU TO ASSUME THAT. AWAY WITH YOU, CHILD.
I do not exaggerate. The last time I went in sans-glasses, the admissions woman asked if I was going to repay my parents for the money they undoubtedly loaned me to pay for my parking pass. I went in today, with glasses, and the same woman told me I looked adorable and proceeded to politely work out the problem I've been having with my tuition fees. I often wonder what would go down if I walked in with a monocle.

After Adventures With The Optometrist, I decided to skip my Intro to Film class and head home.
And here I sit.
Still attached to my iPod.
I'm currently amidst my Scott Pilgrim soundtrack obsession.
And after each song ends I become horribly aware of how quiet it is in my house.
I worry that the constant song that is my thought process (with or without the iPod) escapes and everyone in the vicinity makes a mental note to avoid eye contact with me. Or....something.

But it's just my parents, and they've lived with me for 19 years. They know what this is all about.


Should I, or shouldn't I?
This blog has been lying around for over a year and I've yet to decide if I want to use it.
If anyone read what I had up before, my sincerest apologies.
I was tired.
Yes, we'll go with tired.
I don't know why I'm pressing enter for every new line but I did it and I will continue to do it.
Scratch that, I change my mind. PARAGRAPH FORM ENGAGE.

So, I suppose I should break in this new post with the ceremonial FACTS ABOUT STEPHANIE. Here we go.

I am a YouTuber, film major, introvert, Virgo, used-to-be dancer, insatiable reader, not-so-good writer, 19 year old counting down the days until I leave California. I'm going to a local community college and I'll be transferring to a university next year. And it will not be in California. I'm done with California.
I was born in Sacramento, lived there for the first 10 years of my life, moved to an unknown town up the hill, and have lived here for the past 9 years. I've developed a sort of love for this place over the past few months (or as I like to call it: Stockholm Syndrome) but I know I need to move out before I become too comfortable with the soft lifestyle of a resident of Northern California. Trust me, it turns you into a big, unambitious, amorphous blob who thinks Northern California IS GREAT I NEVER WANT TO LEAVE WHY WOULD ANYONE WANT TO LEAVE.

I am a product of the Internet. Which is to say I've spent hours upon hours of unrelenting searching and writing and posting and creating and watching and chatting and.....other Internet-y things. Those who raised me have come to accept the fact that their youngest daughter is a pale, somewhat antisocial nerd who has more friends online than in "real life". Oh and I think simultaneously being on page 491 of someone's Tumblr and watching John Green talk about giraffes who love giraffes is a perfectly lovely way to spend a Saturday evening. I think the people of the Internet deserve some sort of award for possessing the strength and dedication of a Spartan warrior if he happened to stumble upon a modern computer. And I do not mean strength as in bulging biceps. We're all skinny-armed, inhumanly pale kids who think Insanity Wolf and Antoine Dodson are the pinnacle of comedy. But we're mentally strong. Or....I don't know where I'm going with that one. Side note: if you ever want to know my actual views on the Internet, just ask.
I have recently entered the mystical realm of being an official YouTuber, and it's freaking awesome. Thanks to some much needed help, I have accrued an audience of 1000+, which is absolutely mind-blowing. I also enjoy the fact that 1000+ people legitimately like my work and think I have actual potential as a future filmmaker. Because 95% of the time, I don't think I do. Then again, I'm extremely harsh on myself. But hey, who isn't.

I'm not wonderful at going into my past for the sake of explaining it, and I don't think it's especially relevant to this blog post. If it comes up later, well we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. I have an issue with sharing my personal life with people (Yes, people in general. Yes, I am that closed-off HEY HEY HEY.) so this blog may be sporadic and extremely uninformative at times, but please know that I'm doing my best. I'm more of a listener/reader when it comes to these things. I do not share. But I am sharing. So, yeah.

If I happen to gain a small audience on here, then please know that this entire concept is completely against the Stephanie grain. I love telling people about certain aspects of my life, but I can just as quickly hate it. But I promise I won't bring this bipolar style of writing to this table. I just think that should be known.

Now that I've given you the nonexistent reader an idea of what you're getting yourself into, I suppose I should wrap this up.
Until later, my invisible reader.